We hope to establish a definitive list of those from Baraga, Houghton, Keweenaw, and Ontonagon counties who served (the “roll call”) and those who died (the “honor roll”) in WWI.
To date we have an honor roll for K, H, and O Counties, but not yet B Co. There is a published full roll call for Ontonagon Co. from 1920 [1] with individual photos and lots of detail, which we are working on integrating into our full roll call. A list of those who died was drawn up for Keweenaw Co., and is appended to an article on the war in K Co. [2]; these names are already in our list, but we do not have a full roll call for the county. Our initial version of the list includes a full honor roll for Houghton Co. as well as a limited roll call drawn up in late 1919 for only two townships in the county.
If you have more information about those who served on our list, or have names to add to the list, please let us know by filling out this form online. Or if you have questions, please email us at ww1cc@mtu.edu
[pdf-embedder url=”http://ww1cc.mtu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/CC-Roll-Call-1.6.pdf”]
Download the current version as a PDF here.
There is also a separate list of Michigan College of Mines alumni and students who served, though little is known of them beyond their names:
[pdf-embedder url=”http://ww1cc.mtu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/CC-Roll-Call-1.6-MCM.pdf”]
Download the current version as a PDF here.
- David Arthur Kooker, An honor roll, containing a pictorial record of the gallant and courageous men from Ontonagon county, Mich., U.S.A., who served in the Great war. 1917–1918–1919 (Ewen, Mich.: D. A. Kooker, 1920?)
- Eugene Johnson, “World War I Reached Even into Keweenaw County,” Superior Signals 29, No. 4 (Nov. 2014): 14-19. Uploaded by permission of the Keweenaw Co. Historical Society.