The Armistice & Aftermath Symposium will be producing a digital proceedings on the Michigan Tech Digital Commons website.
We ask conference speakers to provide their talks in cleaned up form as a DOCX or RTF file by October 19, 2018. Please send your paper to, with a subject of ‘proceedings’. The paper should use the MLA style and citations — that is, use in-text author-page references and a consolidated Works Cited section at the end — and use endnotes sparingly (all footnotes will be converted to endnotes for the Proceedings).
We will apply a common template to all the papers for consistency typeface and formatting, and standardize image captions, but otherwise we will not edit the texts.
A note on images: we welcome the inclusion of images in your paper, and please caption each one in the format of “Figure 1. Title. Source.” Thus, for example, one might have,
Figure 1. Cover of a program for the Allied War Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, 2-14 July 1918. Author’s collection.
Figure 4. Michigan Tech students having a drilling contest on campus, 1918. Committee on Education and Special Training, Our Progress for the Year 1918 (Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1923), p. 23.
Note that we can only use those that are either not in copyright (anything pre-1923 should be fine, as are all government publications and photos), or for which you have received permission to reproduce (as, for example, from an archive). If you do have permission to use the image, please indicate so in an endnote on the image caption.

Please place each image in the text as its own paragraph after the paragraph first referencing it and follow it with a paragraph for the figure caption as indicated in the thumbnail to the right (click for larger version; text coloring only for emphasis). Please do wrap text around images (In Microsoft Word insert the image, size to 2in. high, and then right-click and select “Wrap Text”: “In line with text”).